Klinik und Poliklinik für Geburtshilfe und Frauengesundheit
Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Ditsch, Nina; Kolberg-Liedtke, Cornelia; Friedrich, Michael et al.
AGO Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Early Breast Cancer: Update 2021BREAST CARE. Bd. 16. H. 3. 2021 S. 214-227
Thill, Marc; Friedrich, Michael; Kolberg-Liedtke, Cornelia et al.
AGO Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Patients with Locally Advanced and Metastatic Breast Cancer: Update 2021BREAST CARE. Bd. 16. H. 3. 2021 S. 228-235
Friedrich, Michael; Kuehn, Thorsten; Janni, Wolfgang et al.
AGO Recommendations for the Surgical Therapy of the Axilla After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: 2021 UpdateGEBURTSHILFE UND FRAUENHEILKUNDE. Bd. 81. H. 10. 2021 S. 1112-1120
Friedrich, Michael; Kuhn, Thorsten; Janni, Wolfgang et al.
AGO Recommendations for the Surgical Therapy of the Axilla After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: 2021 Update (vol 81, pg 1112, 2021)GEBURTSHILFE UND FRAUENHEILKUNDE. Bd. 81. H. 10. 2021 S. E31-E31
Schwaegermann, Marie-Kristin; Schranz, Melanie; Moehler, Markus et al.
Any progress in informed consenting for cancer treatment? Results from a cross sectional analysis at a comprehensive cancer centerJOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. Bd. 147. H. 7. 2021 S. 2117-2126
Krakauer, Eric L.; Kane, Khadidjatou; Kwete, Xiaoxiao et al.
Augmented Package of Palliative Care for Women With Cervical Cancer: Responding to Refractory SufferingJCO GLOBAL ONCOLOGY. Bd. 7. 2021 S. 886-895
Hasenburg, A.; Eichkorn, D.; Vosshagen, F. et al.
Biomarker-based early detection of epithelial ovarian cancer based on a five-protein signature in patient's plasma - a prospective trialBMC CANCER. Bd. 21. H. 1. 2021
Schwab, Roxana; Anic, Katharina; Hasenburg, Annette
Cancer and Pregnancy: A Comprehensive ReviewCANCERS. Bd. 13. H. 12. 2021
Merzenich, Hiltrud; Baaken, Dan; Schmidt, Marcus et al.
Cardiac late effects after modern 3D-conformal radiotherapy in breast cancer patients: a retrospective cohort study in Germany (ESCaRa)BREAST CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT. Bd. 191. H. 1. 2021 S. 147-157
Krakauer, Eric L.; Kwete, Xiaoxiao; Kane, Khadidjatou et al.
Cervical Cancer-Associated Suffering: Estimating the Palliative Care Needs of a Highly Vulnerable PopulationJCO GLOBAL ONCOLOGY. Bd. 7. 2021 S. 862-872