Pielenhofer, Jonas; Meiser, Sophie Luise; Gogoll, Karsten et al.
Quality by Design (QbD) Approach for a Nanoparticulate Imiquimod Formulation as an Investigational Medicinal ProductPHARMACEUTICS. Bd. 15. H. 2. 2023
Schaller, Theresa; Ringen, Julia; Fischer, Berenice et al.
Reactive oxygen species produced by myeloid cells in psoriasis as a potential biofactor contributing to the development of vascular inflammationBIOFACTORS. 2023
Beyzaee, Amir Mohammad; Goldust, Mohamad; Patil, Anant et al.
Recurrent facial microcystic adnexal carcinoma and hair transplantation on scar siteCLINICAL CASE REPORTS. Bd. 11. H. 6. 2023
Beyzaee, Amir Mohammad; Goldust, Mohamad; Patil, Anant et al.
Recurrent facial microcystic adnexal carcinoma and hair transplantation on scar siteCLINICAL CASE REPORTS. Bd. 11. H. 6. 2023
Haist, Maximilian; Kaufmann, Justus; Kur, Ivan-Maximiliano et al.
Response to primary chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced oropharyngeal carcinoma is determined by the degree of cytotoxic T cell infiltration within tumor cell aggregatesFRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY. Bd. 14. 2023
Dai, Nils-Jorgen K.; Schaefer, Gabriela; Thompson, Andrew M. et al.
rl-rl interactions stabilize PeptoMicelle-based formulations of Pretomanid derivatives leading to promising therapy against tuberculosis in zebrafish and mouse modelsJOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE. Bd. 354. 2023 S. 851-868
Becker, Juergen C.; Beer, Ambros J.; DeTemple, Viola K. et al.
S2k Guideline - Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC, neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin) - Update 2022JOURNAL DER DEUTSCHEN DERMATOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. Bd. 21. H. 3. 2023 S. 305-317
Heppt, ?; Leiter, Ulrike; Steeb, Theresa et al.
S3 guideline " actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma"- update 2023, part 1: treatment of actinic keratosis, actinic cheilitis, cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in situ (Bowen's disease), occupational disease and structures of careJOURNAL DER DEUTSCHEN DERMATOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. Bd. 21. H. 10. 2023 S. 1249-1262
Leiter, Ulrike; Heppt, Markus V.; Steeb, Theresa et al.
S3 guideline "actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma" - update 2023, part 2: epidemiology and etiology, diagnostics, surgical and systemic treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), surveillance and preventionJOURNAL DER DEUTSCHEN DERMATOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. 2023
Leiter, Ulrike; Heppt, Markus V.; Steeb, Theresa et al.
S3 guideline "actinic keratosis and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma" - update 2023, part 2: epidemiology and etiology, diagnostics, surgical and systemic treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC), surveillance and preventionJOURNAL DER DEUTSCHEN DERMATOLOGISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT. Bd. 21. H. 11. 2023 S. 1422-1434