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Transactivation of Cellular Genes Involved in Nucleotide Metabolism by the Regulatory IE1 Protein of Murine Cytomegalovirus is Not Critical for Viral Replicative Fitness in Quiescent Cells and Host Tissues

J Virol. Bd. 82. H. 20. 2008 S. 9900-16

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Wilhelmi, V (Autor)
Simon, CO (Autor)
Podlech, J (Autor)
Böhm, V (Autor)
Däubner, T (Autor)
Emde, S (Autor)
Strand, D (Autor)
Renzaho, A (Autor)
Lemmermann, N (Autor)
Seckert, CK (Autor)
Reddehase, MJ (Autor)
Grzimek, N (Autor)


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