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Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik (IMBEI)

Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Spallek, J; Spix, C; Zeeb, H et al.

Cancer in Turkish children in Germany

Eur J Epidemiol. Bd. 21. 2006 S. 112

Bender, R; Zeeb, H; Schwarz, M et al.

Causes of death in obesity: relevant increase in cardiovascular but not in all-cancer mortality

J Clin Epidemiol. Bd. 59. H. 10. 2006 S. 1064-71

Schüz, J; Böhler, E; Berg, G et al.

Cellular Phones, Cordless Phones, and the Risks of Glioma and Meningioma (Interphone Study Group, German)

Am J Epidemiol. Bd. 163. 2006 S. 512-520

Stein, R; Schroeder, A; Schenk, A et al.

Changes of bowel movements after urinary diversion: matched pairs of ileal conduit and ileocecal pouch

Urology. Bd. 68. H. 1. 2006 S. 92

Rubie, C; Frick, VO; Wagner, M et al.

Chemokine expression in hepatocellular carcinoma versus colorectal liver metastases

World J Gastroenterol. Bd. 12. H. 41. 2006 S. 6627-33

Kaatsch, P; Spix, C; Steliarova-Foucher, E

Childhood Cancer incidence in Germany and total Europe: Are actual changes seen in time trends?

Pediatr Blood Cancer. Bd. 47. 2006 S. 456

Steliarova-Foucher, E; Stiller, CA; Kaatsch, P et al.

Childhood Cancer incidence patterns and trends in Europe: the ACCIS project

Pediatric Blood Cancer. Bd. 47. 2006 S. 7.01

Weibrich, G; Streckbein, P; Krummenauer, F et al.

Clinical report with up to 4 years of follow-up on a cervically modified stepped screwtype implant

Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. Bd. 21. H. 5. 2006 S. 795-800

Barleon, Lorenz; Hoffmann, Esther M.; Berres, Manfred et al.

Comparison of Dynamic Contour Tonometry and Goldmann Applanation Tonometry in Glaucoma Patients and Healthy Subjects

American Journal of Ophthalmology. Bd. 142. H. 4. New York, NY: Elsevier Science 2006 S. 583 - 590

Barleon, L; Hoffmann, EM; Berres, M et al.

Comparison of dynamic contour tonometry and goldmann applanation tonometry in glaucoma patients and healthy subjects.

Am J Ophthalmol. Bd. 142. H. 4. 2006 S. 583-90