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The 15-Country Collaborative Study of Cancer Risk among Radiation Workers in the Nuclear Industry: estimates of radiation-related cancer risks

Radiat Res. Bd. 167. H. 4. 2007 S. 396-416

Erscheinungsjahr: 2007

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Cardis, E (Autor)
Vrijheid, M (Autor)
Blettner, M (Autor)
Gilbert, E (Autor)
Hakama, M (Autor)
Hill, C (Autor)
Howe, G (Autor)
Kaldor, J (Autor)
Muirhead, CR (Autor)
Schubauer-Berigan, M (Autor)
Yoshimura, T (Autor)
Bermann, F (Autor)
Cowper, G (Autor)
Fix, J (Autor)
Hacker, C (Autor)
Heinmiller, B (Autor)
Marshall, M (Autor)
Thierry-Chef, I (Autor)
Utterback, D (Autor)
Ahn, YO (Autor)
Amoros, E (Autor)
Ashmore, P (Autor)
Auvinen, A (Autor)
Bae, JM (Autor)
Bernar, J (Autor)
Biau, A (Autor)
Combalot, E (Autor)
Deboodt, P (Autor)
Diez Sacristan, A (Autor)
Eklof, M (Autor)
Engels, H (Autor)
Engholm, G (Autor)
Gulis, G (Autor)
Habib, RR (Autor)
Holan, K (Autor)
Hyvonen, H (Autor)
Kerekes, A (Autor)
Kurtinaitis, J (Autor)
Malker, H (Autor)
Martuzzi, M (Autor)
Mastauskas, A (Autor)
Monnet, A (Autor)
Moser, M (Autor)
Pearce, MS (Autor)
Richardson, DB (Autor)
Rodriguez-Artalejo, F (Autor)
Rogel, A (Autor)
Tardy, H (Autor)
Telle-Lamberton, M (Autor)
Turai, I (Autor)
Usel, M (Autor)
Veress, K (Autor)


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