Hoffmann, Manuela A.; Wieler, Helmut J.; Baues, Christian et al.
The Impact of 68Ga-PSMA PET/CT and PET/MRI on the Management of Prostate CancerUROLOGY. Bd. 130. 2019 S. 1-12
Bohn, T.; Rapp, S.; Pektor, S. et al.
Tumor immunoevasion by high glycolytic tumors through an acidosis-dependent induction of noninflammatory tumor-associated macrophagesEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY. Bd. 49. 2019 S. 36-36
Magnussen, Christina; Ojeda, Francisco M.; Wild, Philipp S. et al.
Atrial Fibrillation Manifestations Risk Factors and Sex Differences in a Population-Based Cohort (From the Gutenberg Health Study)AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. Bd. 122. H. 1. 2018 S. 76-82
van der Kooij, Michael A.; Jene, Tanja; Treccani, Giulia et al.
Chronic social stress-induced hyperglycemia in mice couples individual stress susceptibility to impaired spatial memoryPROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Bd. 115. H. 43. 2018 S. E10187-E10196
Wagener, Karolin; Worm, Matthias; Pektor, Stefanie et al.
Comparison of Linear and Hyperbranched Polyether Lipids for Liposome Shielding by F-18-Radiolabeling and Positron Emission TomographyBIOMACROMOLECULES. Bd. 19. H. 7. 2018 S. 2506-2516
Kettenbach, Kathrin; Reffert, Laura M.; Schieferstein, Hanno et al.
Comparison Study of Two Differently Clicked F-18-Folates-Lipophilicity Plays a Key RolePHARMACEUTICALS. Bd. 11. H. 1. 2018
Stergiou, N.; Nagel, J.; Pektor, S. et al.
Diagnostic evaluation of a novel Zr-89-labeled monoclonal antibody against tumor-associated mucin 1 in a preclinical breast cancer modelEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND MOLECULAR IMAGING. Bd. 45. 2018 S. S119-S119
Basaco, Tais; Pektor, Stefanie; Bermudez, Josue M. et al.
Evaluation of Radiolabeled Girentuximab In Vitro and In VivoPHARMACEUTICALS. Bd. 11. H. 4. 2018
Nestle, U.; Schimek-Jasch, T.; Kremp, S. et al.
FDG-PET-based Target Volume Reduction in the context of an isotoxic Dose Escalation in locally advanced NSCLC (PET-Plan study)STRAHLENTHERAPIE UND ONKOLOGIE. Bd. 194. 2018 S. S63-S63
Nestle, U.; Schimek-Jasch, T.; Kremp, S. et al.
FDG-PET-guided target volume reduction for isotoxic dose escalation in LA NSCLC (PET-Plan study)RADIOTHERAPY AND ONCOLOGY. Bd. 127. 2018 S. S313-S314