Bertram, Felix; Wegener, Daniel; Paulsen, Frank et al.
Low Rectal Toxicity in MR-Based Adaptive IGRT of Prostate Cancer (M-Base Pro 1.0)STRAHLENTHERAPIE UND ONKOLOGIE. Bd. 199. 2023 S. S145-S146
Boehm, Elsa Wilma; Grauhan, Nils F.; Pfeiffer, Norbert et al.
Measurement of Retrobulbar Blood Flow and Vascular Reactivity-Relevance for Ocular and Cardiovascular DiseasesDIAGNOSTICS. Bd. 13. H. 23. 2023
Wegener, Daniel; Bertram, Felix; Paulsen, Frank et al.
MR-based adaptive IGRT of Prostate Cancer: Data on GU Late Toxicity from the prospective Phase II Study M-Base Pro 1.0.STRAHLENTHERAPIE UND ONKOLOGIE. Bd. 199. 2023 S. S150-S151
Jankovic, Dragan; Kalasauskas, Darius; Othman, Ahmed et al.
Predictors of Neurological Worsening after Resection of Spinal MeningiomasCANCERS. Bd. 15. H. 22. 2023
Fleischer, Vinzenz; Gonzalez Escamilla, Gabriel; Pareto, Deborah et al.
Prognostic value of single-subject grey matter networks in early multiple sclerosisMULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. Bd. 29. 2023 S. 54-55
Fleischer, Vinzenz; Gonzalez-Escamilla, Gabriel; Pareto, Deborah et al.
Prognostic value of single-subject grey matter networks in early multiple sclerosisBRAIN. 2023
Keller, Gabriel; Estler, Arne; Herrmann, Judith et al.
Prospective intraindividual comparison of a standard 2D TSE MRI protocol for ankle imaging and a deep learning-based 2D TSE MRI protocol with a scan time reduction of 48%RADIOLOGIA MEDICA. Bd. 128. H. 3. 2023 S. 347-356
Hahn, Marianne; Groeschel, Sonja; Othman, Ahmed et al.
Real world data in mechanical thrombectomy: who are we losing to follow-up?JOURNAL OF NEUROINTERVENTIONAL SURGERY. 2023
Grauhan, Nils F.; Gruenebach, Natascha; Brockstedt, Lavinia et al.
Reduction of Distortion Artifacts in Brain MRI Using a Field Map-based Correction Technique in Diffusion-weighted ImagingCLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY. 2023
Jabas, Abdullah; Mercado, Mario Alberto Abello; Altmann, Sebastian et al.
Single-Energy Metal Artifact Reduction (SEMAR) in Ultra-High-Resolution CT Angiography of Patients with Intracranial ImplantsDIAGNOSTICS. Bd. 13. H. 4. 2023