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Influence of Inspiration to Expiration Ratio on Cyclic Recruitment and Derecruitment of Atelectasis in a Saline Lavage Model of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE. Bd. 43. H. 3. 2015 S. E65-E74

Erscheinungsjahr: 2015

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Boehme, Stefan (Autor)
Bentley, Alexander H. (Autor)
Hartmann, Erik K. (Autor)
Chang, Shi (Autor)
Erdoes, Gabor (Autor)
Prinzing, Anatol (Autor)
Hagmann, Michael (Autor)
Baumgardner, James E. (Autor)
Ullrich, Roman (Autor)
Markstaller, Klaus (Autor)
David, Matthias (Autor)


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