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Cytotoxic metabolites from the fungal endophyte Alternaria sp. and their subsequent detection in its host plant Polygonum senegalense

J Nat Prod. Bd. 71. 2008 S. 972-980

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Aly, AH (Autor)
Edrada-Ebel, RA (Autor)
Indriani, ID (Autor)
Wray, V (Autor)
Müller, WEG (Autor)
Totzke, F (Autor)
Zirrgiebel, UT (Autor)
Schächtele, C (Autor)
Kubbutat, MHG (Autor)
Lin, WH (Autor)
Proksch, P (Autor)
Ebel, R (Autor)


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