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Effect of hypoosmotic stress by low salinity acclimation of Mediterranean mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis on biological parameters used for pollution assessment

Aquat Toxicol. Bd. 89. 2008 S. 137-151

Erscheinungsjahr: 2008

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Hamer, B (Autor)
Jaksić, Z (Autor)
Pavićić-Hamer, D (Autor)
Perić, L (Autor)
Medaković, D (Autor)
Ivanković, D (Autor)
Pavicić, J (Autor)
Zilberberg, C (Autor)
Schröder, HC (Autor)
Müller, WEG (Autor)
Smodlaka, N (Autor)
Batel, R (Autor)


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