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Influence of mineral composition on the processing of Iron-rich Bauxite raw materials by using Hydrochloric Acid leaching

European Centre for Refractories (ECREF) (Hrsg). Proceedings 18th Unified International Technical Conference on Refractories (UNITECR): Biennial Worldwide Congress on Refractories. Höhr-Grenzhausen. 2023 S. 30 - 33

Erscheinungsjahr: 2023

Publikationstyp: Diverses (Konferenzbeitrag)

Sprache: Englisch



Bauxite is an essential raw material for the refractory industry, but it can only be used with sufficient raw material quality. For the classification of bauxite as refractory grade, first of all the chemical composition is crucial and especially the Fe2O3 content should be < 2 wt%. The global availability of suitable qualities will, however, become increasingly problematic in the future, which is made clear by the European Commission's classification of bauxite as a critical raw material in ...Bauxite is an essential raw material for the refractory industry, but it can only be used with sufficient raw material quality. For the classification of bauxite as refractory grade, first of all the chemical composition is crucial and especially the Fe2O3 content should be < 2 wt%. The global availability of suitable qualities will, however, become increasingly problematic in the future, which is made clear by the European Commission's classification of bauxite as a critical raw material in 2020. Therefore, it is already of great importance to develop strategies that make different bauxite raw materials, for example those rich in iron, accessible for the refractory industry. In this study, it is demonstrated that a beneficiation of iron-rich bauxite raw materials can be carried out by an acid leaching process. For this purpose, raw material grades of different chemical and mineralogical composition are leached in hydrochloric acid and their Fe2O3 and Al2O3 contents are compared before and after leaching. In addition, the findings of powder X-ray diffraction measurements (PXRD) to determine mineralogical composition before and after leaching are used to draw conclusions about the leachability of various iron and aluminum minerals in bauxite. These findings, in conjunction with methodologies for determining optimal leaching conditions, complete the understanding of the effectiveness of bauxite processing using hydrochloric acid leaching.» weiterlesen» einklappen


Stein, Alena (Autor)
Sax, Almuth (Autor)


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