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Institut für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitsbeziehungen in der Europäischen Union (IAAEU)

Universität Trier

54286 Trier
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

de Pinto, Marco; Goerke, Laszlo

Efficiency Wages in Cournot-Oligopoly

The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. Bd. 19. H. 4. Walter de Gruyter GmbH 2019 S. 1 - 13

Schlachter-Voll, Monika

Erfurter Kommentar zum Arbeitsrecht

19. Aufl. München: C.H. Beck 2019 3052 S.

Klein, Thomas; Leist, Dominik

EU law requires working time recording: Consequences of the ECJ-ruling in the case 'CCOO' for member states and especially Germany

Dispatch No. 19 des Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal. Champaign (Illinois). 2019

Deole, Sumit S.

Justice delayed is assimilation denied: Right-wing terror and immigrants' assimilation in Germany

Labour Economics. Bd. 59. Elsevier BV 2019 S. 69 - 78

Schlachter, Monika

Streiks in der Daseinsvorsorge in rechtsvergleichender Betrachtung

EuZA. Bd. 1/2019. 2019 S. 81 - 98

de Pinto, Marco

The Impact of Unionization Structures with Heterogeneous Firms and Rent-Sharing Motives

Scandinavian Journal of Economics. Bd. 121 (1). 2019 S. 298 - 325

Schlachter, Monika

Trade union representation for new forms of employment

ELLJ. Bd. Vol. 10 (3). 2019 S. 229 - 239

de Pinto, Marco; Goerke, Laszlo

Welfare‐enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry

The Manchester School. Bd. 88. H. 1. Wiley 2019 S. 60 - 90