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Laser cooling and Spectroscopy of relativistic C3 beams at the ESR

Hyperfine interactions. Bd. 162. H. 1-4. Dordrecht: Springer 2005 S. 181 - 188

Erscheinungsjahr: 2005

ISBN/ISSN: 0304-3843

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1007/s10751-005-9217-x

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We report on the first laser cooling of a bunched beam of multiply charged C3 ions performed at the ESR (GSI) at a beam energy of E = 1.47 GeV. Moderate bunching provided a force counteracting the decelerating laser force of one counterpropagating laser beam. This versatile type of laser cooling lead to longitudinally space-charge dominated beams with an unprecedented momentum spread of Delta p/p approximate to 10(-7). Concerning the beam energy and charge state of the ion, the experiment de...We report on the first laser cooling of a bunched beam of multiply charged C3 ions performed at the ESR (GSI) at a beam energy of E = 1.47 GeV. Moderate bunching provided a force counteracting the decelerating laser force of one counterpropagating laser beam. This versatile type of laser cooling lead to longitudinally space-charge dominated beams with an unprecedented momentum spread of Delta p/p approximate to 10(-7). Concerning the beam energy and charge state of the ion, the experiment depicts an important intermediate step from the established field of laser cooling of ion beams at low energies toward the unique laser cooling scheme proposed for relativistic beams of highly charged heavy ions at SIS 300 (FAIR). » weiterlesen» einklappen


Schramm, U. (Autor)
Bussmann, M. (Autor)
Habs, D. (Autor)
Steck, M. (Autor)
Kühl, T. (Autor)
Beckert, K. (Autor)
Beller, P. (Autor)
Franzke, B. (Autor)
Nolden, F. (Autor)
Saathoff, G. (Autor)
Reinhardt, S. (Autor)


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