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Psychologie (RPTU in Landau)

Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Fortstraße 7, 76829 Landau
  • 06341/280-248
  • 06341/280-490
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Lischetzke, Tanja

Daily diary methodology

Michalos, A. C. (Hrsg). Encyclopedia of quality of life and well-being research. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands 2014 S. 1413 - 1419

Appel, Markus; Schreiner, Constanze

Digital dementia? Myths and scientific evidence concerning the effect of Internet use

PSYCHOLOGISCHE RUNDSCHAU. Bd. 65. H. 1. 2014 S. 1 - 10

Ehrke, Franziska; Steffens, Melanie C.

Diversity-Trainings: Einstellungen zwischen Gruppen sozialpsychologisch fundiert verbessern

Sauerlans, M. & Braun, O. (Hrsg). Aktuelle Trends in der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung. Hamburg: Windmühle Verlag GmbH 2014 S. 127 - 172

Kohl, Annika; Rief, Winfried; Glombiewski, Julia Anna

Do fibromyalgia patients benefit from cognitive restructuring and acceptance? An experimental study


Reuter, Timo; Schnotz, Wolfgang; Rasch, Renate

Drawings and Tables as Cognitive Tools for Solving Non-Routine Word Problems in Primary School

American Journal of Educational Research. Bd. 3. H. 11. 2014 S. 1187 - 1197

Baumert, Anna; Schlösser, Thomas; Schmitt, Manfred

Economic games - Performance-based assessment of fairness and altruism

European Journal of Psychological Assessment. Bd. 30. H. 3. Göttingen: Hografe & Huber 2014 S. 178 - 192

Li, Shijia; Weerda, Riklef; Milde, Christopher et al.

Effects of acute psychosocial stress on neural activity to emotional and neutral faces in a face recognition memory paradigm

Brain Imaging and Behavior. Bd. 8. H. 4. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2014 S. 598 - 610

Guenther, Lars; Froehlich, Klara; Milde, Jutta et al.

Effects of Valenced Media Frames of Cancer Diagnoses and Therapies: Quantifying the Transformation and Establishing of Evaluative Schemas

Health Communication. Bd. 30. H. 11. Informa UK Limited 2014 S. 1055 - 1064

Weis, Susanne; Karthaus, Christiane; Lischetzke, Tanja

Elemente der Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation an der Universität Koblenz-Landau: Theoretische Einordnung und empirische Befunde

Qualität in der Wissenschaft. Bd. 8. H. 2+3. Bielefeld: UVW Univ.-Verl. Webler 2014 S. 61 - 69

Schult, Janette; von Stülpnagel, Rul; Steffens, Melanie C.

Enactment versus Observation: Item-Specific and Relational Processing in Goal-Directed Action Sequences (and Lists of Single Actions)

PLoS ONE. Bd. 9. H. 6. Public Library of Science (PLoS) 2014 S. 99985