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Phase diagram and low temperature magnetization of GdxY1-xRh4B4

Physica B C. Bd. 108. 1981 S. 1281 - 1282

Erscheinungsjahr: 1981

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Forschungsbericht)

Sprache: Englisch

Doi/URN: 10.1016/0378-4363(81)90940-2

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The phase diagram of GdxY1?xRh4B4 between the paramagnetic, superconducting and ferromagnetic state is reported. Low temperature dc-magnetization measurements reveal that macroscopic electro-magnetic effects are of minor importance for the suppression of Hc2, which shows a smooth bell-shaped behavior for x 0.15 with no indication of an anomaly near Tc2. At low temperature in samples with x 0.20 a transition from type II to type I superconductivity seems to occur. The low temperature normal ...The phase diagram of GdxY1?xRh4B4 between the paramagnetic, superconducting and ferromagnetic state is reported. Low temperature dc-magnetization measurements reveal that macroscopic electro-magnetic effects are of minor importance for the suppression of Hc2, which shows a smooth bell-shaped behavior for x 0.15 with no indication of an anomaly near Tc2. At low temperature in samples with x 0.20 a transition from type II to type I superconductivity seems to occur. The low temperature normal state susceptibility follows a Curie-Weiss law indicating reentrant behavior for x 0.10. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Müller, R. (Autor)
Behrle, R. (Autor)
Saemann-Ischenko, G. (Autor)
Voit, G. (Autor)


DFG Fachgebiet:
Physik der kondensierten Materie

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