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Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) (RPTU in Kaiserslautern)

Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau

Erwin-Schrödinger-Str. 58, 67663 Kaiserslautern
  • 0631/2017-0
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Dmitriev, Andrey I.; Österle, Werner; Wetzel, Bernd et al.

Mesoscale modeling of the mechanical and tribological behavior of a polymer matrix composite based on epoxy and 6vol.% silica nanoparticles

Computational Materials Science. Bd. 110. Elsevier B.V. 2015 S. 204 - 214

Adeosun, S. O.; Akpan, E. I.; Gbenebor, O. P. et al.

Microstructural Evolution of Chloride-Cleaned Silicon Carbide Aluminum Composites

JOM. Bd. 68. H. 2. Springer 2015 S. 692 - 700

Gussone, Joachim; Hagedorn, Yves-Christian; Gherekhloo, Human et al.

Microstructure of γ-titanium aluminide processed by selective laser melting at elevated temperatures

Intermetallics. Bd. 66. Elsevier B.V. 2015 S. 133 - 140

Hassinger, Irene; Gurka, Martin

Morphology of PA6 nanocomposites prepared by pressurized insertion of aqueous nanoparticle dispersions

Nanocomposites. Bd. 1. H. 2. Informa UK Limited 2015 S. 63 - 70

Friedrich, Klaus; Breuer, Ulf

Multifunctionality of Polymer Composites

Oxford u. a.: Elsevier 2015 996 S.

Komatsu, Shintaro; Wetzel, Bernd; Friedrich, Klaus

Novel Liquid Crystal Polymers with Tailored Chemical Structure for High Barrier, Mechanical and Tribological Performance

Thakur, Vijay Kumar ; Kessler, Michael R. (Hrsg). Liquid Crystalline Polymers : Processing and Applications. Cham: Springer International Publishing 2015 S. 15 - 39

Kämper, Christoph; Krummenacker, Janna; Forman, Patrick et al.

Slender large-scale parabolic troughs using shape-optimized hollow structures made of high-strength concrete

Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN). Kreta: Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research School of Civil Engineering National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) 2015

Adeosun, S. O.; Oyetunji, A.; Akpan, E. I.

Strength and Ductility of Forged 1200 Aluminum Alloy Reinforced with Steel Particles

Nigerian Journal of Technology. Bd. 34. H. 4. African Journals Online (AJOL) 2015 S. 710

Godard, C.; Klingler, A.; Junker, T. et al.

The Applicability of Nanoindentation for the Examination of Microstructured Areas in CP Titanium Samples

Practical Metallography. Bd. 52. H. 6. De Gruyter 2015 S. 314 - 322