Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) (RPTU in Kaiserslautern)
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 0631/2017-0
Dmitriev, Andrey I.; Österle, Werner; Wetzel, Bernd et al.
Mesoscale modeling of the mechanical and tribological behavior of a polymer matrix composite based on epoxy and 6vol.% silica nanoparticlesComputational Materials Science. Bd. 110. Elsevier B.V. 2015 S. 204 - 214
Adeosun, S. O.; Akpan, E. I.; Gbenebor, O. P. et al.
Microstructural Evolution of Chloride-Cleaned Silicon Carbide Aluminum CompositesJOM. Bd. 68. H. 2. Springer 2015 S. 692 - 700
Gussone, Joachim; Hagedorn, Yves-Christian; Gherekhloo, Human et al.
Microstructure of γ-titanium aluminide processed by selective laser melting at elevated temperaturesIntermetallics. Bd. 66. Elsevier B.V. 2015 S. 133 - 140
Hassinger, Irene; Gurka, Martin
Morphology of PA6 nanocomposites prepared by pressurized insertion of aqueous nanoparticle dispersionsNanocomposites. Bd. 1. H. 2. Informa UK Limited 2015 S. 63 - 70
Friedrich, Klaus; Breuer, Ulf
Multifunctionality of Polymer CompositesOxford u. a.: Elsevier 2015 996 S.
Komatsu, Shintaro; Wetzel, Bernd; Friedrich, Klaus
Novel Liquid Crystal Polymers with Tailored Chemical Structure for High Barrier, Mechanical and Tribological PerformanceThakur, Vijay Kumar ; Kessler, Michael R. (Hrsg). Liquid Crystalline Polymers : Processing and Applications. Cham: Springer International Publishing 2015 S. 15 - 39
Kämper, Christoph; Krummenacker, Janna; Forman, Patrick et al.
Slender large-scale parabolic troughs using shape-optimized hollow structures made of high-strength concreteProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN). Kreta: Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research School of Civil Engineering National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) 2015
Adeosun, S. O.; Oyetunji, A.; Akpan, E. I.
Strength and Ductility of Forged 1200 Aluminum Alloy Reinforced with Steel ParticlesNigerian Journal of Technology. Bd. 34. H. 4. African Journals Online (AJOL) 2015 S. 710
Neumeyer, Thomas
Struktur und Eigenschaften neuer, flammgeschützter Prepreg-Matrixsysteme für Anwendungen in der Kabine von VerkehrsflugzeugenHamburg: TuTech 2015 191 S.
Godard, C.; Klingler, A.; Junker, T. et al.
The Applicability of Nanoindentation for the Examination of Microstructured Areas in CP Titanium SamplesPractical Metallography. Bd. 52. H. 6. De Gruyter 2015 S. 314 - 322