Leibniz-Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH (IVW) (RPTU in Kaiserslautern)
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
- 0631/2017-0
Akpan, Emmanuel I.; Adeosun, Samson O.
Sustainable Lignin for Carbon Fibers: Principles, Techniques, and ApplicationsCham: Springer 2019
Habla, F.; Kropka, M.; Muehlbacher, M. et al.
Tailor Made Hybrid Laminates Based on UD-Tapes: A Way to Efficient Thermoplastic ComponentsKey Engineering Materials. Bd. 809. Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2019 S. 41 - 46
Gurka, Martin
The physics of multifunctional materials: concepts, materials, applicationsLancaster, PA: DEStech Publications, Inc. 2019 179 S.
Muddassir, Muhammad; Duhovic, Miro; Gurka, Martin
A comprehensive study of metal-coated short carbon fibers, graphite particles, and hybrid fillers for induction heatingJournal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. Bd. 33. H. 3. SAGE Publications 2018 S. 393 - 412
Akpan, E.I.; Wetzel, Bernd; Friedrich, K.
A fully biobased tribology material based on acrylic resin and short wood fibresTribology International. Bd. 120. Elsevier B.V. 2018 S. 381 - 390
Nissle, S.; Kaiser, M.; Hübler, M. et al.
Adaptive vortex generators based on active hybrid composites: from idea to flight testCEAS Aeronautical Journal. Bd. 9. H. 4. Springer Science and Business Media LLC 2018 S. 661 - 670
Gebhard, Andreas; Jim, Bai-Cheng; Wetzel, Bernd
Wear Resistant Plastics. Advanced testing methods for polymer transfer films in sliding contactsDüsseldorf. 2018
Helmlinger, Lars; Zhu, Yejun; Gensel, Julia et al.
Application of Amine-Functionalized Cellulose Foam for CO2 Capture and Storage in the Brewing IndustryJournal of Renewable Materials. Bd. 6. H. 3. Tech Science Press 2018 S. 219 - 225
Rehra, Jan; Hannemann, Benedikt; Schmeer, Sebastian et al.
Approach for an Analytical Description of the Failure Evolution of Continuous Steel and Carbon Fiber Hybrid CompositesAdvanced Engineering Materials. Bd. 21. H. 6. Wiley 2018 S. 1800565
Bohley, Martin; Reichenbach, Ingo; Kieren-Ehses, Sonja et al.
Coating of Ultra-Small Micro End Mills: Analysis of Performance and Suitability of Eight Different Hard-CoatingsJournal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing. Bd. 2. H. 2. MDPI AG 2018 S. 22