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FB 2 - Technik, Informatik und Wirtschaft

Technische Hochschule Bingen

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Baaser, Herbert; Tvergaard, Viggo

A New Algorithmic Approach treating Nonlocal Effects at Finite Rate-independent Deformation using the Rousselier Damage Model

Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. Bd. 192. 2003 S. 107 - 124

Baaser, Herbert; Gross, Dietmar

Analysis of void growth in a ductile material in front of a crack tip

Computational Materials Science. Bd. 26. 2003 S. 28 - 35

Baaser, Herbert; Hutter, Kolumban

Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials

Berlin ; Heidelberg ; New York ; Hong Kong ; London ; Milan ; Paris ; Tokyo: Springer 2003 409 S. (Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics ; Vol. 10)

Heusinger-Lange, Sabine

Kommentierung zu §266 HGB

Handbuch der Rechnungslegung, Kommentar zur Rechnungslegung und Prüfung. Stuttgart. 2003 S. 1

Plumhoff, Peter A.

Nutzung regenerativer Energien

FH Bingen. 2003

Baaser, Herbert; Gross, Dietmar

Remarks on the use of continuum damage models and on the limitations of their applicability in ductile fracture mechanics

Hutter, Kolumban ; Baaser, Herbert (Hrsg). Deformation and Failure in Metallic Materials. Berlin u. a.: Springer-Verlag 2003 S. 345 - 362 (Lecture notes in applied and computational mechanics ; Vol. 10)

Baaser, Herbert; Kolling, Stefan; Gross, Dietmar

Material forces due to crack-inclusion interaction

International Journal of Fracture. Bd. 18. 2002 S. 229 - 238

Baaser, Herbert; Gross, Dietmar

3D Nonlocal Simulation of Ductile Crack Growth: A Numerical Realization

European Journal of Finite Elements. Bd. 10. 2001 S. 353 - 367

Helmes, Kurt; Röhl, Stefan; Stockbrigde, Richard H.

Computing moments of the exit distribution for Markov processes by linear programming

Operations Research. Bd. 49. H. 4. 2001 S. 516 - 530