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Preparation and characterization of humic acid cross-linked with organic bridging groups

ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY. Bd. 47. 2012 S. 132 - 138

Erscheinungsjahr: 2012

ISBN/ISSN: 0146-6380

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz

Doi/URN: 10.1016/j.orggeochem.2012.03.014

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Cross-linking of humic substances with organic bridging groups is thought to contribute to the humification of soil organic matter. Model cross-linked humic substances were prepared by cross-linking Amherst soil humic acid by a diepoxide and a polycarboxylic acid, applying procedures established for cross-linking of polymers and textile fabrics. Products of the cross-linking reactions were analyzed by FTIR and C-13 CPMAS NMR. Physicochemical properties of the products were determined by solub...Cross-linking of humic substances with organic bridging groups is thought to contribute to the humification of soil organic matter. Model cross-linked humic substances were prepared by cross-linking Amherst soil humic acid by a diepoxide and a polycarboxylic acid, applying procedures established for cross-linking of polymers and textile fabrics. Products of the cross-linking reactions were analyzed by FTIR and C-13 CPMAS NMR. Physicochemical properties of the products were determined by solubility experiments and thermal analysis. The incorporation of the cross-linker into the matrix of the humic acid by covalent linkages was confirmed by both the disappearance of bands of the reactive functional groups of the cross-linker in the FTIR spectrum and the increase of signals related to the incorporation of the cross-linker into the matrix of the humic acid in the FTIR and C-13 CPMAS NMR spectra. The formation of covalent ester and ether linkages by the cross-linking reaction was indicated. Water solubilities at pH 6.2 of the cross-linked samples as determined by UV/Vis spectrometry were reduced compared to controls. Fewer water molecule bridges were formed in the cross-linked samples, which was attributed to a lower number of available functional groups and increased distances between humic acid strands caused by the cross-linking molecules. Reduced reactivities of humic acid strands in the cross-linked samples further indicated successful cross-linking. The reactions investigated in this study can be regarded as models for reactions occurring in natural soils to test the significance of cross-linking reactions in the humification process of soil organic matter and the physico-chemical properties and ecological function of organic matter in geosolids. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. » weiterlesen» einklappen


Schneckenburger, Tatjana (Autor)
Lattao, Charisma (Autor)
Pignatello, Joseph J. (Autor)
Cao, Xiaoyan (Autor)
Mao, Jingdong (Autor)

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