Jun.-Prof. Dr. Susanne Bruckmüller
Sozial-, Umwelt- und Wirtschaftspsychologie, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau
Uchronski, Mirjam; Abele, Andrea; Bruckmüller, Susanne
The situational malleability of the communal self-concept: How perspective-taking affects self-descriptionsSelf and Identity. Bd. 12. 2013 S. 236 - 256
Bruckmüller, Susanne; Hegarty, Peter; Abele, Andrea
Framing gender differences: Linguistic normativity affects perceptions of power and gender stereotypesEuropean Journal of Social Psychology. Bd. 42. 2012 S. 210 - 218
Adams, Glenn; Decker, Stephanie; Bruckmüller, Susanne
Self and agency in context: Ecologies of abundance and scarcityInternational Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation. Bd. 1. 2012 S. 141 - 153
Bruckmüller, Susanne; Branscombe, Nyla
How women end up on the ‘glass cliff’Harvard Business Review. Bd. 89. 2011 S. 9999
Abele, Andrea; Bruckmüller, Susanne
The bigger one of the "Big Two"? Preferential processing of communal informationJournal of Experimental Social Psychology. Bd. 47. 2011 S. 935 - 948
Bruckmüller, Susanne; Abele, Andrea
Comparison focus in intergroup comparisons: Who we compare to whom influences who we see as powerful and agenticPersonality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Bd. 36. 2010 S. 1424 - 1435
Bruckmüller, Susanne; Branscombe, Nyla
When and why does the glass cliff in leader selection occur? The role of gender stereotypesBritish Journal of Social Psychology. Bd. 49. 2010 S. 433 - 451