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Prof. Dr. Ralph Bergmann

Informatikwissenschaften, Universität Trier

  • 0000-0002-5515-7158
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Bergmann, Ralph; Stahl, Armin

Similarity Measures for Object-Oriented Case Representations.

EWCBR. 1998 S. 25 - 36

Wilke, Wolfgang; Bergmann, Ralph

Techniques and Knowledge Used for Adaptation During Case-Based Problem Solving.

IEA/AIE (Vol. 2). 1998 S. 497 - 506

H. Göker, Mehmet; Roth-Berghofer, Thomas; Bergmann, Ralph et al.

The Development of HOMER: A Case-Based CAD/CAM Help-Desk Support Tool.

EWCBR. 1998 S. 346 - 357

Bergmann, Ralph; Wilke, Wolfgang

Towards a New Formal Model of Transformational Adaptation in Case-Based Reasoning.

ECAI. 1998 S. 53 - 57

Czap, H.; Bergmann, R.; Wilke, W.

CBR as a Means for Developing Adaptive Buisiness Systems

Bergmann, R.; Wilke, W. (Hrsg). Fifth German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning - Foundations, Systems, and Applications. Centre f. Learn. Syst. and Applications. Dep. of Comp. Science, Univ. Kaisersl. 1997 S. 75 - 84

Krechel, D.; Holz, Harald; Bergmann, Ralph

Unterstützung des Konfigurationssystems IDAX durch fallbasiertes Schliessen

Bergmann, Ralph (Hrsg). Fifth German Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning - Foundations, Systems, and Applications. Universität Kaiserslautern: Zentrum für Lernende Systeme und Anwendungen 1997 S. 101 - 110

Bergmann, Ralph; Wilke, Wolfgang; Schumacher, Jürgen

Using Software Process Modeling for Building a Case-Based Reasoning Methodology: Basis Approach and Case Study.

ICCBR. 1997 S. 509 - 518

M. Veloso, Manuela; Muñoz-Avila, Hector; Bergmann, Ralph

Case-Based Planning: Selected Methods and Systems.

AI Commun. Bd. 9. H. 3. 1996 S. 128 - 137

Wilke, Wolfgang; Bergmann, Ralph

Considering Decision Cost During Learning of Feature Weights.

EWCBR. 1996 S. 460 - 472

Bergmann, Ralph

Effizientes Problemlösen durch flexible Wiederverwendung von Fällen auf verschiedenen Abstraktionsebenen

Sankt Augustin: Infix 1996 0 S. (Dissertationen zur künstlichen Intelligenz ; 138)