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Dietrich Paulus

Prof. Dr. Dietrich Paulus

Institut für Computervisualistik, Universität Koblenz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Bauer, Sabine; Paulus, Dietrich; Keller, Eva

How do Different Load Cases Affect the Spinal Structures of a Well-balanced Lumbar Spine? A Multibody Simulation Analysis

International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science and Technology. Bd. 3. H. 5. Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India: Innovative Research Publication 2015 S. 28 - 33

Bauer, Sabine; Paulus, Dietrich

How does the intervertebral discs parameter variation affect the biomechanical behavior of spinal structures? Results of a detailed study of multibody simulation sensitivity

International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Bd. 2. H. 9. Shahpura, Jaipur, India: IJEAS 2015 S. 37 - 42

Seib, Viktor; Link, Norman; Paulus, Dietrich

Implicit Shape Models For 3D Shape Classification With a Continuous Voting Space

José Braz;Sebastiano Battiato;Francisco H. Imai (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications VISAPP 2015: March 11-14, 2015; in Berlin, Germany; Volume 3. Setúbal: SciTePress 2015 S. 33 - 43

Bauer, Sabine; Paulus, Dietrich

Multisegmental fusion of the lumbar spine a curse or a blessing? A MultiBodySimulation (MBS) modeling

Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. de Gruyter 2015 S. 376 - 380

Winkens, Christian; Fuchs, Christian; Neuhaus, Frank et al.

Optical Truck Tracking for Autonomous Platooning

George Azzopardi;Nicolai Petkov (Hrsg). Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 16th International Conference, CAIP 2015, Valletta, Malta, September 2-4, 2015, Proceedings, Part II. Gorgan: Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 2015 S. 38 - 48 (LNCS)

Seib, Viktor; Link, Norman; Paulus, Dietrich

Pose Estimation and Shape Retrieval with Hough Voting in a Continuous Voting Space

Juergen Gall;Peter Gehler;Bastian Leibe (Hrsg). Pattern Recognition: 37th German Conference, GCPR 2015, Aachen, Germany, October 7-10, 2015, Proceedings. Gorgan: Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 2015 S. 458 - 469 (LNCS)

Paulus, Dietrich; Fuchs, Christian; Droege, Detlev

Proceedings of the OGRW 2014: 9th Open German-Russian Workshop on Pattern Recognition and Image Understanding; December 1.-5., 2014 Koblenz, Germany

Koblenz: Universität Koblenz-Landau, Active Vision Group (AGAS) 2015

Bauer, Sabine; Keller, Eva; Paulus, Dietrich

Rückenschmerz durch Übergewicht ? Biomechanische MKS-Modellierung der Belastungssituation der Lendenwirbelsäule bei unterschiedlichem Körpergewicht

Heinz Handels;Thomas Martin Deserno;Hans-Peter Meinzer;Thomas Tolxdorff (Hrsg). Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2015Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen; Proceedings des Workshops vom 15. bis 17. März 2015 in Lübeck. Berlin: Springer Vieweg 2015 S. 323 - 328

Lang, Dagmar; Friedmann, Susanne; Hedrich, Jens et al.

Semantic Mapping for Mobile Outdoor Robots

Hideo Saito;Yasuyo Kita;Hiroshi Ishikawa;Norimichi Ukita;Eigo Segawa;Norichika Yui (Hrsg). Proceedings of 14th IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications MVA 2015: 18-22 May 2015; Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 2015 S. 325 - 328

Pascoal, Pedro; Proenca, Pedro; Gaspar, Filipe et al.

SHREC'15 Track: Retrieval of Objects Captured with Kinect One Camera

Ioannis Pratikakis;Theoharis Theoharis;Michela Spagnuolo;Luc Van Gool;Remco C. Veltkamp;Afzal Godil (Hrsg). 8th Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 3DOR@Eurographics 2015: May 2-3, 2015. Geneve: Eurographics Association 2015 S. 145 - 151