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Benjamin Weyers

Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Benjamin Weyers

Informatikwissenschaften, Universität Trier

  • 0000-0003-4785-708X
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Weyers, Benjamin; Luther, Wolfram; Baloian, Nelson

Interface creation and redesign techniques in collaborative learning scenarios.

Future Gener. Comput. Syst. Bd. 27. H. 1. 2011 S. 127 - 138

Weyers, Benjamin; Luther, Wolfram

Formal Modeling and Reconfiguration of User Interfaces.

SCCC. 2010 S. 236 - 245

Weyers, Benjamin; Baloian, Nelson; Luther, Wolfram

Cooperative creation of concept keyboards in distributed learning environments.

CSCWD. 2009 S. 534 - 539

Weyers, Benjamin; Luther, Wolfram; Baloian, Nelson

Cooperative Model Reconstruction for Cryptographic Protocols Using Visual Languages.

CRIWG. 2009 S. 311 - 318