Gerbig, Andrea; Müller-Wood, Anja
Introduction : conjoining literature and linguisticsCollege literature. Bd. 33. H. 2. 2006 S. 85 - 90
Gerbig, Andrea; Müller-Wood, Anja
Introduction: conjoining literature and linguisticsCollege Literature. Bd. 33. H. 2. 2006 S. 85 - 90
Müller-Wood, Anja
Rezension zu: Foakes, R. A.: Shakespeare and Violence. Cambridge, 2003 und Aebischer, Pascale: Shakespeare's violated bodies : stage and screen performance. Cambridge, 2004Shakespeare Jahrbuch. Bd. 142. 2006 S. 33 - 35
Brusberg-Kiermeier, Stefani; Müller-Wood, Anja
The sensual renaissance : introductionAnglistentag 2005 Bamberg : proceedings. Trier: WVT 2006 S. 119 - 123
Müller-Wood, Anja
Creatures of compromise : neostoic philosophy and male realignment in John Marston's "Sophonisba"Laqué, Stephan (Hrsg). Realigning renaissance culture : intrusion and adjustment in early modern drama. Trier: WVT, Wiss. Verl. Trier 2004 S. 119 - 136
Müller-Wood, Anja
Disconcerting mirrors : Angela Carter's Lizzie Borden StoriesLit. Bd. 15. H. 3. 2004 S. 277 - 297
Müller-Wood, Anja; Tancke, Ulrike E.
The hidden misogynies of queering "Light" : the case of "The Hours"Gender forum. Bd. 8. 2004
Müller-Wood, Anja
Rezension zu: Lehman, Peter (Hrsg.). Masculinity : bodies, movies, culture. New York 2001Gender forum. Bd. 4. 2003
Müller-Wood, Anja
Rezension zu: Taunton, Nina: 1590s drama and militarism : portrayals of war in Marlowe, Chapman and Shakespeare's Henry V . Aldershot, 2001Shakespeare Jahrbuch. Bd. 139. 2003 S. 308 - 309
Müller-Wood, Anja
George ChapmanKreutzer, Eberhard u.a. (Hrsg). Metzler-Lexikon englischsprachiger Autorinnen und Autoren : 631 Porträts ; von den Anfängen bis in die Gegenwart. Stuttgart: Metzler 2002 S. 108 - 109