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Frings, Christian; Wentura, Dirk

Strategy effects counteract distractor inhibition: Negative priming with constantly absent probe distractors.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Bd. 32. H. 4. American Psychological Association (APA) 2006 S. 854 - 864

Mossner, Rainald; Freitag, Christine M; Marziniak, Martin et al.

The functional Val158Met variant of the COMT gene is not associated with migraine with or without aura.

The journal of headache and pain. Bd. 7. H. 3. 2006 S. 165 - 6

Domes, Gregor; Winter, Britta; Schnell, Knut et al.

The influence of emotions on inhibitory functioning in borderline personality disorder

PSYCHOLOGICAL MEDICINE. Bd. 36. H. 8. 2006 S. 1163 - 1172

Chasiotis, A.; Kießling, F.; Hofer, J. et al.

Theory of mind and inhibitory control in three cultures: Conflict inhibition predicts false belief understanding in Germany, Costa Rica, and Cameroon

International Journal of Behavioral Development. Bd. 30. 2006 S. 249 - 260

Krampen, Günter; von Eye, Alexander

Treatment motives as predictors of acquisition and transfer of relaxation methods to everyday life

Journal of Clinical Psychology. Bd. 62. 2006 S. 83 - 96

Alexopoulos, P.; Greim, B.; Nadler, K. et al.

Validation of the Addenbrooke's cognitive examination for detecting early Alzheimer's disease and mild vascular dementia in a German population


Chasiotis, A.; Hofer, J.; Campos, D.

When does liking children lead to parenthood? Younger siblings, implicit prosocial power motivation, and explicit love for children predict parenthood across cultures

Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology. Bd. 4. 2006 S. 95 - 123

Serwe, Sascha; Frings, Christian

Who will win Wimbledon? The recognition heuristic in predicting sports events

Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. Bd. 19. H. 4. Wiley 2006 S. 321 - 332

Krampen, Günter; Schui, Gabriel

ZPID-Monitor 2004 zur Internationalität der Psychologie aus dem deutschsprachigen Bereich: Der Kurzbericht

Psychologische Rundschau. Bd. 57. 2006 S. 254 - 255

Eberwein, Manfred; Schui, Gabriel; Krampen, Günter

Zur Entwicklung deutschsprachiger Testverfahren in der 2. Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts

Diagnostica. Bd. 52. 2006 S. 199 - 207