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Institut für Informatik

FB 4: Informatik / Universität Koblenz

Universitätsstraße 1, 56070 Koblenz
  • 0261/287 - 2720
  • 0261/287 - 2721
Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Murray, Jan; Obst, Oliver; Stolzenburg, Frieder

Team Descriptions - Simulation League - RoboLog Koblenz

Lecture notes in computer science. Bd. 1856. Berlin: Springer 2000 S. 628 - 631

Stolzenburg, Frieder; Obst, Oliver; Murray, Jan et al.

Technical Papers - Spatial Agents Implemented in a Logical Expressible Language

Lecture notes in computer science. Bd. 1856. Berlin: Springer 2000 S. 481 - 494

Murray, Jan; Obst, Oliver; Stolzenburg, Frieder

Towards a logical approach for soccer agents engineering

Koblenz-Landau: Univ., Inst. für Informatik 2000 0 S. (Fachberichte Informatik ; 6/2000)

Beuster, G.; Thomas, B.; Wolff, C.

Ubiquitous Web Information Agents

European Conference on Aritifical Intelligence - Workshop on Artificial Intelligence In Mobile Systems. 2000

Baumgartner, Peter; Eisinger, Norbert; Furbach, Ulrich

A Confluent Connection Calculus

Harald Ganzinger (Hrsg). Automated Deduction - CADE-16: 16th International Conference on Automated Deduction Trento, Italy, July 7–10, 1999 Proceedings. Bd. 1632. Berlin: Springer 1999 S. 329 - 343

Stolzenburg, Frieder

An Algorithm for General Set Unification and Its Complexity

Journal of automated reasoning. Bd. 22. H. 1. Dordrecht [u.a.]: Springer 1999 S. 45 - 64

Dix, J.; Stolzenburg, F.; Simari, G. R. et al.

Automating defeasible reasoning with logic programming (DeReLoP)

Jähnichen, S.; Loiseau, I. (Hrsg). Proceedings of the 2nd German-Argentinian Workshop on Information Technology. 1999 S. 39-46

Obst, Oliver; Stolzenburg, Frieder

Der RoboCup während der IJCAI'99

Künstliche Intelligenz. KI ; Forschung, Entwicklung, Erfahrungen ; Organ des Fachbereichs 1 Künstliche Intelligenz der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., GI. Bd. 4. Bremen: Böttcher IT-Verl. 1999 S. 66 - 67

Stolzenburg, F.; Hähnle, H.; Menzel, W. et al.

Loop-Detection in Hyper-Tableaux by Powerful Model Generation

Journal of Universal Computer Science. Bd. Journal of Universal Computer Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer 1999 S. 135-155

Sofronie-Stokkermans, Viorica; Stokkermans, Karel

Modeling interaction by sheaves and geometric logic

Gabriel Ciobanu; Gheorghe Păun (Hrsg). Fundamentals of Computation Theory: 12th International Symposium, FCT’99 Iaşi, Romania, August 30 - September 3, 1999 Proceedings. Berlin: Springer 1999 S. 512 - 523