Harms, Philipp
The persistence of government expenditure shocks and the effect of monopolistic competition on the fiscal multiplierOxford economic papers. Bd. 54. H. 1. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press 2002 S. 44 - 55
VanRijckeghem, Caroline; Weder, Beatrice
Bureaucratic corruption and the rate of temptationJournal of development economics. Bd. 65. H. 2. Amsterdam: Elsevier 2001 S. 307 - 331
Harms, Philipp
International investment in a model of stochastic growth and development trapsJournal of economics. Bd. 74. H. 2. 2001 S. 131 - 155
Harms, Philipp
Rezension zu: Drazen, Allan: Political economy in macroeconomics. Princeton, NJ 2000European journal of political economy. Bd. 17. H. 3. 2001 S. 665 - 668
Van Rijckeghem, Caroline; Weder, Beatrice
Sources of contagion: is it finance or trade?Journal of international economics. Bd. 54. H. 2. Amsterdam [u.a.]; Jena: Elsevier 2001 S. 293 - 308
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Leben über die Verhältnisse? : Ölfunde und die Verschuldung NorwegensBörsch-Supan, Axel (Hrsg). Volkswirtschaft in fünfzehn Fällen : Studien in angewandter Mikro- und Makroökonomie. Wiesbaden: Gabler 1998 S. 109 - 125
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Institutional obstacles to doing business : region-by-region results from a worldwide survey of the private sectorWashington, DC: World Bank, Off. of the Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, Development Economics 1997 75 S. (Policy research working paper ; 1759)
Bös, Dieter; Harms, Philipp
Mass privatization, management control and efficiencyJournal of public economics. Bd. 64. H. 3. 1997 S. 343 - 357