FB VI - Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften
Universität Trier
- 0651/201-4530
- 0651/201-3939
Exeler, Nina; Kratochwil, Anselm; Hochkirch, Axel
Does recent habitat fragmentation affect the population genetics of a heathland specialist, Andrena fuscipes (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae)?
Hochkirch, A.; Gaertner, A.-C.; Brandt, T.
Effects of forest-dune ecotone management on the endangered heath grasshopper, Chorthippus vagans (Orthoptera: Acrididae)
Hochkirch, Axel; Adorf, Frauke
Effects of prescribed burning and wildfires on Orthoptera in Central European peat bogs
Hochkirch, Axel; Schmitt, Thomas; Beninde, Joscha et al.
Europe Needs a New Vision for a Natura 2020 Network
Witzenberger, Kathrin A.; Hochkirch, Axel
Evaluating ex situ conservation projects: Genetic structure of the captive population of the Arabian sand cat
Witzenberger, Kathrin A.; Hochkirch, Axel
Ex situ conservation genetics: a review of molecular studies on the genetic consequences of captive breeding programmes for endangered animal species
Gassert, Franz; Schulte, Ulrich; Husemann, Martin et al.
From southern refugia to the northern range margin: genetic population structure of the common wall lizard, Podarcis muralis
Witzenberger, K. A.; Hochkirch, A.
Genetic consequences of animal translocations: A case study using the field cricket, Gryllus campestris L.
Bernard, Rafal; Heiser, Markus; Hochkirch, Axel et al.
Genetic homogeneity of the Sedgling Nehalennia speciosa (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) indicates a single Wurm glacial refugium and trans-Palaearctic postglacial expansion
Groening, Julia; Krause, Sascha; Hochkirch, Axel
Habitat preferences of an endangered insect species, Cepero's ground-hopper (Tetrix ceperoi)