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Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie

Klinikum / Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Ergebnisse pro Seite:  10

Nedelmann, M; Pittermann, P; Gast, KK et al.

Involvement of jugular valve insufficiency in cerebral venous air embolism.

J Neuroimaging. Bd. 17. H. 3. 2007 S. 258-60

Maihofner, C; Birklein, F

Komplex regionale Schmerzsyndrome: Neues zu Pathophysiologie und Therapie.

Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. Bd. 75. H. 6. 2007 S. 331-42

Thomke, F; Marx, JJ; Cruccu, G et al.

Medullary infarcts may cause ipsilateral masseter reflex abnormalities.

Muscle Nerve. Bd. 36. H. 4. 2007 S. 477-81

Geber, C; Fondel, R; Kramer, HH et al.

Psychophysics, flare, and neurosecretory function in human pain models: capsaicin versus electrically evoked pain.

J Pain. Bd. 8. H. 6. 2007 S. 503-14

Thomke, F

Schwindel-ABC fur den Hausarzt. Was bringt Ihre Patienten aus dem Gleichgewicht?

Mmw Fortschr Med. Bd. 149. 2007 S. 70, 72-5

Thömke, F; Dieterich, M


Begutachtung in der Neurologie. Thieme 2007

Bernateck, M; Rolke, R; Birklein, F et al.

Successful intravenous regional block with low-dose tumor necrosis factor-alpha antibody infliximab for treatment of complex regional pain syndrome 1.

Anesth Analg. Bd. 105. H. 4. 2007 S. 1148-51, table of contents

Maihofner, C; Baron, R; DeCol, R et al.

The motor system shows adaptive changes in complex regional pain syndrome.

Brain. Bd. 130. H. Pt 1. 2007 S. 2671-87