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Changing distribution of norovirus genotypes and genetic analysis of recombinant GIIb among infants and children with diarrhea in Japan.

J Med Virol. Bd. 78. 2006 S. 971-978

Erscheinungsjahr: 2006

Publikationstyp: Zeitschriftenaufsatz



Phan, TG (Autor)
Kuroiwa, T (Autor)
Kaneshi, K (Autor)
Ueda, Y (Autor)
Nakaya, S (Autor)
Nishimura, S (Autor)
Yamamoto, A (Autor)
Sugita, K (Autor)
Nishimura, T (Autor)
Yagyu, F (Autor)
Okitsu, S (Autor)
Müller, WEG (Autor)
Maneekarn, N (Autor)
Ushijima, H (Autor)


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