Universität Koblenz
- 0261/287-0
Hampe, Felix; Hampe, J. - F.; Ryan, T. et al.
M-Government: Status Quo and Perspectives
Thimm, Matthias
Measuring Inconsistency in Probabilistic Knowledge BasesCoRR. S. 1 - 8
Engel, Inka
Megatrend Konnektivität Eine Herausforderung. journal für lehrerInnenbildung jlb 02-2019 Quereinsteiger*innenVerlag Julius Klinkhardt KG
Singer, Philipp; Helic, Denis; Taraghi, Behnam et al.
Memory and Structure in Human Navigation Patterns Using Markov Chain Models of Varying OrderCoRR. S. 1 - 31
Laufer, Paul; Wagner, Claudia; Flöck, Fabian et al.
Mining cross-cultural relations from Wikipedia: A study of 31 European food culturesCoRR. S. 1 - 10
Adamik, Barbara; Bawiec, Marek; Bezborodov, Viktor et al.
Mitigation and herd immunity strategy for COVID-19 is likely to failmedRxiv. S. 1 - 25
Jürjens, Jan
Model-based Security-Engineering (Invited Lecture)Eingeladener Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung ‘‘Standort Internet"Invited talk in the colloquium. Institut für Informatik und Gesellschaft, Abt. Telematik, Universität Freiburg, Nov. 2005 eingeladen vonon invitation of Prof. Dr. Günter Müller
Götz, Thomas; Klar, Axel
Nonexistence of steady solutions for rotational slender fibre spinning with surface tensionArXiv e-prints. S. 1 - 9
Staab, Steffen; Stalla-Bourdillon, Sophie; Carmichael, Laura
Observing and Recommending from a Social Web with BiasesCoRR. S. 1 - 37
Doerfel, Stephan; Zoller, Daniel; Singer, Philipp et al.
Of course we share! Testing Assumptions about Social Tagging SystemsCoRR. S. 1 - 12